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5 Types of Alcoholics Characteristics of Each Alcoholic Type

5 Types of Alcoholics Characteristics of Each Alcoholic Type
9 Aralık 2020 20:45

Instead, antisocial alcoholics drink alone and typically struggle with co-occurring mental health problems. Young adults tend to drink less often than older alcoholics, but they binge drink more. The young adult subtype also often abuses other substances besides alcohol and rarely seeks treatment. Drinking too much at one time or on any given day, or having too many drinks over the course of a week, increases the risk of harmful consequences, including injuries and health problems.

  • Only 43% of chronic severe alcoholics are employed full-time and 7.6% are unemployed or permanently disabled.
  • The second of the five types of alcoholics are the young antisocial subtypes.
  • The majority smoke, and many use other drugs, including marijuana, cocaine and opioids.
  • If you feel that alcohol is endangering you or someone else, call 911 or obtain similar help right away.
  • Identifying the specific type of alcoholic makes it easier to understand and treat people’s problems.

They have moderate rates of major depression (24%) and smoking cigarettes (43%), and low rates of anxiety disorders, other substance use disorders, and the lowest rates of having legal problems (fewer than 1%). They are also young (average age 26 years) and have the earliest age of onset of drinking (average is under 16 years old) and the earliest age of alcohol dependence (average of 18 years). Young antisocial alcoholics drank an average of 201 days in the last year, binge drinking (consuming five or more drinks) on an average of 80% of their drinking days. When they drink, their maximum number of drinks is 17, the highest of any subtype of alcoholic. More than 50 percent of young antisocial alcoholics have a psychiatric diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, a mental condition characterized by antagonism and a callous disregard of others and the law.

Importance of Individualized Care

For example, those with co-occurring mental health disorders typically require integrated substance use and mental health treatment—known as dual diagnosis treatment—to fully recover. Almost everyone in the chronic severe subtype has experienced acute withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut down. They also have continued drinking despite the many problems it causes. Drinking disrupts their lives and cuts down on the amount of time they spend doing other activities.

5 types of alcoholics

Healthcare specialists know that alcoholism can affect people differently for a range of reasons. Studies like this one help expand the ways we can approach alcoholism to help those in need the most effectively. If no two people are alike, then no 15 million people can possibly be alike either.

The Five Types of Alcoholics

They are also likely to be regular smokers and use other substances, including marijuana, cocaine, and opioids. About one-third of young antisocial alcoholics seek treatment for alcohol addiction. They tend to go to self-help groups, specialty treatment programs, detox programs, and treatment with individual health care providers.

5 types of alcoholics

This detrimental exposure can create or aggravate existing mental health disorders like major depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Along with the abuse of alcohol, many young antisocial alcoholics also form dependencies on tobacco and marijuana. A smaller group also form habits related to more extreme drugs like cocaine and heroin. The final and perhaps most dangerous category of alcoholism is the chronic severe subtype. According to the NIAAA3, 9% of alcoholics in the United States fit into this subtype. Most of them are middle-aged and began abusing alcohol early in life.


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